Prenatal Massage
Prenatal Massage
Like other sub-specialties in the massage profession, prenatal massage has become widely supported by the mainstream medical professionals as a supportive therapy for expectant mothers. Whether a woman is expecting her first or her seventh child, her body will undergo many changes and stresses throughout her pregnancy. Pregnancy Massage is designed to meet the needs of her changing body and help to decrease some of the stress and discomfort she may feel during the ensuing months. At Cherry Creek Myotherapy, our therapist has the skills and experience required to provide each expectant mother the knowledgeable person-centered massage designed to help decrease body stress from early gestation, through labor and delivery.
At any point in her pregnancy a woman may begin a massage therapy program. In prenatal massage, one benefit most clients enjoy is that massage helps to combat fatigue. This is due to releasing the stress in muscle tissues. During pregnancy the changes in the body affect the muscles, asking them to carry additional weight, stretch and move in ways they are not accustomed to. By allowing the muscles to relax chronic tension, the circulation is able to flow more efficiently and bring a steady rich supply of nutrients to the body helping the expectant mom feel a refreshed renewal of energy.
During the progression of the pregnancy, the massage therapist will need to be kept informed of any changes occurring in the health of the expectant mother. Make sure to let your therapist know if you or your healthcare professionals have any concerns regarding your pregnancy. While massage is an excellent addition to your prenatal care, there may be some instances where massage would be contraindicated. Your therapist will be able to discuss any concerns you may have with you prior to the massage session.
Massage routines will be adjusted to accommodate the growing baby, utilizing additional bolsters and positioning for everyone’s comfort. Massage is an excellent addition to your prenatal care, helping to decrease hip and rib pain, back and neck pain, to name a few, caused as your body changes to adjust to the needs of your baby.
During labor, massage can help decrease stress from back labor pain, as well as soothe anxiety a mom be experiencing while moving through the birthing process. Your massage therapist can massage specific trigger points assisting in labor progression while simultaneously decreasing your pain. There are several of these points located throughout the body. Massaging these points can increase contractions while the connecting strokes help to soothe and relax the laboring woman.
Several hospitals and birthing centers may have massage therapists available or allow the client’s therapist to work with her in the delivery setting. Talk with your doctor or midwife to see what options are available to you.
Postpartum massage is an excellent way to help the new mom recovery from the labor and delivery. Massage helps to remove and cleanse toxins from the muscles which have accumulated from the stress of labor. Massage can also help Mom relax as she adjusts to the new schedules and demands on her life, such as a lack of sleep. And if mom is breast feeding, she will appreciate massage that helps her back and neck muscles adjust to the weight of holding the baby and the weight of her enlarged breasts.
And don’t forget baby! After birth, infant massage is a wonderful addition to a child’s life. At Cherry Creek Myotherapy we offer free infant massage instruction for the new parents. Infant massage incorporated into the child’s daily life is an excellent way to help baby rest and be calm and can help with digestive issues. However, one of the best benefits of infant massage is that it is also an amazing way for Mom and Dad to bond with their child. Call today to see if Prenatal Massage is right for you. At Cherry Creek Myotherapy we love to work with our expectant parents as they welcome a new person into the world!