Meet the Provider

run with jess-27Cherry Creek Myotherapy was founded by Chelle Mitchell, BA, LMT. Chelle has been licensed and providing massage therapy since 1995 first in Washington State (WA 024201) then in Oregon (OR5172) she became licensed in Montana (LMT-LIC15737) in 2018. Due to a family move she closed her business in Oregon. Chelle and her family relocated to Thompspon Falls, MT where she is happy to now offer her experience and knowledge of massage therapy to area residents.

Chelle graduated with honors from Seattle Massage School where she studied  Massage Theory and Practicum as well as Anatomy, Physiology and Kineseology.  Her education also included Clinical Practicum and Studies.  Post Graduation Chelle briefly remained with Seattle Massage School as a teaching assistant in Kineseology.  Chelle founded Northwest Myotherapy Associates in Auburn, WA, which she later sold to move to the Oregon Coast.  Chelle is a graduate of Marylhurst University, where she earned a degree in Human Studies / Psychology. Her advanced degree allows her to successfully assist clients who deal with chronic pain and disease.                                                                                                                                DSCN0917

Chelle has participated in measured outcome  research and study groups to gauge the effectiveness of massage therapy in treating chronic conditions such as Fibromyalgia and Manic Depressive Disorders.   She is trained by the Arthritis Foundation as a Life Coach, to help those in chronic pain live full lives and has presented seminars to help improve daily life skills for people living in chronic pain. Chelle has also worked with hospice and coma patients to help alleviate muscle pain and muscle atrophy. She is experienced in working with clients who have suffered injury in automotive accidents, from whiplash to paralysis.

Chelle choose massage therapy as a profession after suffering for years with chronic back pain which resulted from being in a rear end collision. After years of suffering in pain she received a massage and was so amazed at the benefits she experienced,  she went to school to learn how to help others.  Based on her experience and knowledge, Chelle remains a strong supporter of the benefits of therapeutic massage and feels lucky to be able to bring pain relief to others.  Please feel free to call, text or email and see if massage can help in your life. She is happy to answer questions.
Life is too short to be lived in pain!