faqs imageMany people have questions before adding a new modality to their Wellness Program. Asking questions and being as informed as possible is always a good thing. Your massage therapist should be able to answer any additional questions you may have.

Q: What should I expect at my first massage appointment?
A: Your massage therapist will start by having you complete a health history form and asking you general questions about your health. This is done to make sure massage is an appropriate treatment for you. Your therapist will also discuss with you the current conditions needing to be addressed, such as muscle tension or a recent injury. Your therapist may also perform some muscle testing and assessments to evaluate your condition.

Q: Where does the massage take place?
A: At Cherry Creek Myotherapy, a comfortable, private treatment room is provided. A specialized table is utilized, along with bolsters to add to your comfort. Soft, relaxation music may also be playing.

Q: What do I wear?
A: Depending on the type of massage, you may or may not need to undress. For a full body massage, most people undress, however you need only undress to your level of comfort. You will always have privacy to undress and will position yourself on the table, under a sheet. Once the therapist returns to the room you will remain draped, except for the area being worked on.

Q: What should I do during a massage?
A: Make yourself comfortable and relax.  If you need to change position, feel free to do so.  Your therapist may ask to adjust your position to better access a specific muscle, but otherwise you are able to move your arms, legs or neck to a position that feels relaxing to you.  You may choose to talk during your massage, or remain quiet.  Either choice is appropriate.  Some people fall asleep, if you do, that is alright too. This is your massage and your time to relax. And always feel free to ask any question that comes up, at any time.

Q: How should massage feel?
A: At Cherry Creek Myotherapy we start the massage session utilizing Swedish Massage strokes as the basis of our treatment. Other modalities, such as Trigger Point Therapy or Cranial Sacral work will be incorporated to the massage, depending on the client’s specific needs. Your massage should never be painful. The idea is for your therapist to work with your body and increase pressure as your muscles relax and allow the therapist to work deeper to relieve muscle tension and stress. Unscented oils and lotions are used to decrease friction on your skin. You should never hesitate to ask questions during your massage or let your therapist know if you feel any discomfort.

Q: How long will the massage last?
A: Depending on what your goals are for your massage, you may choose to have a half hour, one hour, ninety minute or two hour session. Your Massage Therapist can help you decide which is best for you. Typically for stress reduction and relaxation an hour session is common.

Q: Is massage always appropriate?
A: No. There are several medical conditions that would make massage inappropriate, or require a conversation with your therapist prior to the session. That’s why we discuss your health with you prior to massage. Some medications can also affect your massage, such as any pain medication you are taking. It’s important that you share this information so your therapist can provide you the safest massage possible.

Q: Will insurance cover massage?
A: I am able to bill instance for motor vehicle accidents

Q: How will I feel after my massage?
A: Most people feel very relaxed and find long held pain may be diminished or gone. Within a brief period after a massage, most people find they have increased energy and awareness. This can last for hours or days, depending on the purpose of the massage and the type of massage technique utilized.

Q: How often should I receive massage?
A: Massage is a cumulative therapy, meaning the benefits can increase with regular massage sessions. Most people find having a monthly massage allows their body to function with less pain and more energy. For people who suffer with medical conditions such as Fibromyalgia, having massage more often may be beneficial. Talk to your therapist about what is right for you.

Q: How can you tell if a Massage Therapist is Licensed to provide Massage Therapy?
A: All Massage Therapists in Montana are required to be licensed by the Montana Board of Massage Therapy. All advertising a therapist utilizes is required to have their state board license number written on it. Using this number allows a consumer to verify the therapist they are considering is currently licensed, and has the knowledge to provide the services they are advertising. In order to be licensed, a therapist must meet stringent educational requirements and pass a written and practical examination.

Q: Why does my Massage Therapist recommend I drink water after a massage?
A: During massage, toxins are released from the muscles and, for this reason, it is recommended you drink an increased amount of water to help eliminate toxins from your body. This will help to eliminate the possibility of sore muscles post massage as well as increase the benefits your receive from your massage