Choosing the Right Massage Therapist
Now that you have been thinking of adding massage therapy to your Wellness Plan, how do you choose a massage therapist? At Cherry Creek Myotherapy we believe that one of the most important things we can do as consumers is to educate ourselves about how we choose our healthcare providers. And for maximum benefit from our massage time, and your massage budget, it’s important to feel as comfortable with your massage therapist as you would with a pair of hiking boots. So we’d like to encourage you to take as much time choosing a massage therapist as you would a pair of boots.
Now that you are aware of the wonderful benefits massage can bring to your life, how do you find the right therapist for you? My first suggestion would be personal referral. Do you know someone who had had excellent results from work with a particular therapist? Ask them why they liked their therapist and what a typical session looks like for them. Ask if they have had similar goals, such as pain reduction for a specific area of the body, or relaxation. Ask what the outcome was for them. Be specific in your questions. Experience shows that people are open to sharing what is good in their lives, and also what is bad.
If you are under the care of another health care provider, ask if they can refer you to a massage therapist. If your insurance covers massage, this referral process may be required. Ask if your provider is familiar with therapists in your area who can address your specific need, and if the provider can write a prescription for your treatment.
In Montana State you can always go to the Montana Massage Licensing Board and look up the massage therapist you are considering. Massage Therapists in Montana are required to post their license number in all advertising, so it’s easy for you to get this number and check the therapist out in the registry. The information you can obtain includes if they are currently actively licensed, when they originally licensed and if there are any restrictions on their license.
Looking on line for the names of therapists in your area is another way to locate names and from websites, information about the therapist. Don’t be shy about calling and having a conversation with the therapist. Considering that relaxation is one of the prime objectives clients have when thinking of scheduling massage, it is important you are comfortable with the therapist you choose and are able to discuss your objectives with her. Ask questions about the therapist’s education, experience and the type of work they do. Ask about rates, time lengths offered in massage packages and if they do any insurance billing if your insurance covers massage. Ask if the intake conversation is part of the hour massage time or if the hour is for hands on time only. At Cherry Creek Myotherapy, our time clock starts when we enter the room to start working with you. Not when you go in to get on the table, or five minutes before your time is up so you are paying to get dressed. Ask your questions. If you feel uncomfortable asking your questions, chances are you will feel uncomfortable in the massage session as well.
Once you have completed your research and found the massage therapist you would like to see, schedule your appointment. But don’t worry if additional questions come up, even in the middle of your massage session. Ask away! At Cherry Creek Myotherapy we welcome your questions because we know your questions are part of your process in building long lasting relationships with your health and wellness providers. We look forward to answering your questions soon.